When a Fellow Follows the Hall of History

“One of the places in town which it gives one pleasure to look upon during these winter evenings is the Young Men’s Christian Association room on School Street . “In 1885 , they had sold to the Odd Fellows the building they had bought on Broadway

from the Second Congregational Church in 1870. “The room is well patronized by youths who might otherwise be found upon the streets , Plenty of wholesome reading matter is provided and appropriate games are enjoyed. This is a good thing and should receive public support .” (Gloucester Daily Times)

©2017 Sandy Bay Historical Society

In the winter of 1866 the Odd Fellows offered “a regular series of entertainments.” The reporter observed that the Lodge was “wont to be successful” in such affairs . …The Odd Fellows had a fair at the Town Hall in March, 1883, which lasted six evenings, cleared about $2,400, and sold about 1,000 excursion train tickets to Gloucester alone. “The glass blowing was a perpetual charm,” claimed the Gleaner, and the “popcorn domain was a center of toothsome delight.”