The Avenudians Arrive to the Porch of the Ocean View Inn…

and anxiously await the arrival of summer breezes.

In the beginning there were the “Us’ns and the Thems.”
The ‘Us’ns’ were the farmers and fishermen of Cape Ann; they were acute observers of seasonal cycles, their worlds were bound by the dual directions of wind, and sea current. Commencing in 1840, ‘Thems,’ men of learning arriveĀ – first to Pigeon Cove. Men of lecture and spirit who taught the natives how to see beyond the kerosene lighted end of day. This marked the beginning of the summer gentry, of vacation visitors who came to restore their energies so as to return to their homes with clearer purpose.
For almost three decades they were known as “The Avenudians.”
~Leslie D. Bartlett, April 5, 2014 ~
